Sara Wald hospital
Awaiting anesthesia before my first of two surgeries in less than a year.
Autoimmune Disease | Faith | Introspection | Life tips

What goes well with turkey? Gratitude.

It’s been very difficult for me to write about my illness. In fact, when I got sick, I stopped writing altogether. But it’s time to address it. I’m ready… To say that the last few Thanksgivings were challenging for our family is an enormous understatement. I became sick in early October of 2016. For six […]

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It's okay to be quiet
Introspection | Life tips

We are introverts

Sometimes I just need to take a break from the world. It isn’t that I don’t love the world. It’s the exact opposite. Sometimes I love the world too much to bear. Like so many others, I have a tough time with balance. I am an all-or-nothing person. When I’m in the world, I want […]

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