Phew! Life got heavy again. Was it ever not in the past 12 months? Maybe not. But I got really stuck there for the past week. It just hurt. And I had big things to say.
Now it is time for me to reset, because otherwise I will remain submerged in the deep dark, and regardless of how strongly I feel about big, important things, the truly big, important things live under the roof of my messy little house, along with dust bunnies and windows still streaked with the grease of holiday gel décor.
THIS is my heart… This right here:

And here…

In keeping with my 2021 mantra of Integrity, I am going to try to be more transparent, regardless of what people think of it, and put myself out there in all my messy, imperfect, processing, growing glory. This is something I personally need in order to hold myself accountable. I believe this is something we all need more of… We need to see others be deeply real, so that we can feel safe to be deeply real ourselves.
We are not Barbie dolls. We are not dolls at all.
We are humans, defined not by our exterior, which is not altogether different from any other primate, but by our souls. Our souls are not what people immediately see when they look at us. We see skin, hair, eyes, ears, legs, arms, opposable thumbs; maybe clothes, makeup, highlights, shoes, jewelry, and whatever else we choose to decorate our bodies with.
We do not see souls unless we choose to show them.
And so, I am convicting to show my soul more. And so doing, hopefully, I empower others to do the same.
Thank you to those brave enough to traverse this perilous journey of life with me as I dig deeper.
Thank you to those willing to show their soul to me.
I am honored, and I am grateful for your honesty.
Blessings to us all as we navigate life in these challenging, unsettling, growing times.
Copyright © 2021 Sara Beth Wald