Humor | Life tips | Parenting

Today in random news…

So, apparently when I used almost an entire bottle of wood glue to repair the slanting $20 particle board bookshelf where I store my cookbooks, the glue ran down and stuck the bookshelf to the floor. Luckily, I’m married to a beefcake who managed to break it loose. I had to use a flathead screwdriver […]

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Faith | Humor | Introspection | Life tips | Society and Culture

Deal with it

There’s this thing called Impostor Syndrome that I only learned about in the past year or so. It’s a mental hitch in your git-along that causes a person to feel inferior to everyone around her, regardless of how much education, training, and experience she has. People who suffer from Impostor Syndrome have no problem pointing […]

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Sara Beth Wald at conference
With my friend Rachel at a conference for women, by women.
Humor | Introspection | Life tips | Society and Culture

A real man isn’t afraid of a woman with a voice

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a dude out there who has organized a conference to instruct women on all things feminine. And by feminine, he means at home, pregnant, while simultaneously thin and gorgeous and cooking gourmet meals and keeping a spotless house. Apparently, he also hosts a men’s conference where men learn to […]

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