Wow, you guys. In all these years of laying myself bare in my writing, this is seriously the most publicly naked I have ever felt. It just so happens that I am expanding my business during a pandemic podcast explosion, when enterprising entrepreneurs are hopping on the airwaves to inform and entertain all of us […]
Category: Humor
So, apparently when I used almost an entire bottle of wood glue to repair the slanting $20 particle board bookshelf where I store my cookbooks, the glue ran down and stuck the bookshelf to the floor. Luckily, I’m married to a beefcake who managed to break it loose. I had to use a flathead screwdriver […]
There’s this thing called Impostor Syndrome that I only learned about in the past year or so. It’s a mental hitch in your git-along that causes a person to feel inferior to everyone around her, regardless of how much education, training, and experience she has. People who suffer from Impostor Syndrome have no problem pointing […]
I have no vanity about the cars I drive, because I’ve rarely been able to afford it. For me, cars are like pets. I name them. I cheer them on when they are struggling. I pat them when they do well. I have relationships with my cars, some healthy, some not so much. Some were […]
Through my divorce and then my illness, I learned first that no matter how carefully I planned out my life, things could still go haywire, and second, that sometimes, if you just let things be what they are and trust the process they often (i.e. almost always) turn out better than you’d planned. It hasn’t […]
In case you haven’t heard, there’s a dude out there who has organized a conference to instruct women on all things feminine. And by feminine, he means at home, pregnant, while simultaneously thin and gorgeous and cooking gourmet meals and keeping a spotless house. Apparently, he also hosts a men’s conference where men learn to […]