Wow, you guys. In all these years of laying myself bare in my writing, this is seriously the most publicly naked I have ever felt. It just so happens that I am expanding my business during a pandemic podcast explosion, when enterprising entrepreneurs are hopping on the airwaves to inform and entertain all of us […]
Every year I pick a word to serve as a mantra, a guidepost to point me in the right direction. Little did I know when I chose the word brave for my 2020 word just how much courage the year would require. For the past few months, I was pretty settled on intentional for my […]
I became familiar with the spoon theory when I became chronically ill. It’s a handy diagnostic tool that helps someone with a long-term illness express in simple terms how much energy they have on any given day. It was developed by Christine Miserandino in 2003, when a friend asked her to describe what it was […]
So, apparently when I used almost an entire bottle of wood glue to repair the slanting $20 particle board bookshelf where I store my cookbooks, the glue ran down and stuck the bookshelf to the floor. Luckily, I’m married to a beefcake who managed to break it loose. I had to use a flathead screwdriver […]
The single most dangerous thing in this country right now is not rioters or gun-toting militia. The most dangerous thing we face is the fear that law-abiding citizens have of those who disagree with us. It is our fear that the extremists on both sides feed on. And suddenly, that fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. […]
There’s this thing called Impostor Syndrome that I only learned about in the past year or so. It’s a mental hitch in your git-along that causes a person to feel inferior to everyone around her, regardless of how much education, training, and experience she has. People who suffer from Impostor Syndrome have no problem pointing […]